Track and Field
You may know the track and field as the one with running competitions but there is more into it. It is a sport that will allow you to show your athletic abilities and skills. This could be done through running which is the one commonly known. There is also the jumping competition and the throwing competition. The name of the track and field sport was from the location where the competition is held. It is the syle of the gymnasium and there is the oval which is the running track that surrounds a field which is usually covered with grass.

In this place is where the competition of jumping and throwing events take place. Track and field sport can also include cross country running, or the rad running or the race walking. This sport is all fun and those who participate in them know how fun, hard, and painful it is. This sport is one of the oldest sports. The racing events surely will be won by the one who is the fastest to reach the finish point. In the jumping and throwing events, the athletes win by reaching the highest score measured by distance and the height.

This can include discus, shot put, hammer and the javelin. There could be combined events and relay races that could be composed of teams as compared to the others who were judged individually. There are bodies that are in charge of the sports, and they are responsible for managing it. It is on the international level as they oversee the ones for the Olympics.